Sylvia Kay, Her Art and Her Books:

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

A Celebration of Uniqueness

Walking off the cliff of what I knew and daring to be unique - Art by Sylvia Kay
Walking off the cliff of what I knew and daring to be unique -- Art by Sylvia Kay
This Was Originally Posted on Nov. 5/10, but was revised: Aug. 16/11,  Jan. 8/13 and most recently on Oct. 18/13.

My celebration of uniqueness is in learning to be unique myself.  I've found nothing to feel as wonderful inside as following my own inner sense of "rightness" through my life's moments. In spite of this changing constantly from one moment to the next, leading me some very strange places and forcing me to confront a fear that there won't be any place for me at all in a human world, which at first glance, seems to run on rules; I still prefer to discard and throw away the "rule book".   I've done this even though following my inner sense of "rightness" is not an easy task.  Every time I break a "rule" by doing something differently from how I've believed, thought or been told it had to be done, I confront fear.  However, following this sense  has also taken me outside the boundaries of what I knew, thought "worked" or imagined could be possible and has given my life a richness beyond anything money can buy.

By working to remove some of the tarnish obscuring uniqueness in me, I've taken Gandhi's words to heart and tried to embody in me the change I felt the world required... Everything seems so much brighter to me, when we are each truly ourselves -- embodying what feels best to each of us in each moment and playing our own special, made for us alone parts, in LIFE's play.

Sharing our unique perspectives provides an opportunity to confront different as well as similar and then work to understand both; clarifying our understanding of ourselves and what feels "right" and "good" for each of us in each moment, at the same time. I share my inner journey, from this heart space - in my books and on my web-site at: This is also the kind of sharing I wanted to facilitate with the creation of  my Google Group at:  You are welcome to read my introduction to this group at:

When you're finished reading this post and the one below, if you're still looking for more, don't forget to click the tabs on top: "My Work", "Why I've Written" and "Rebirth of".


Sylvia Kay

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Someday Sale of Limited Edition Art Prints and Books

Smouldering Cat -  Art by Sylvia Kay
Smouldering Cat - Art by Sylvia Kay
6.5" x 8.5" printed on 8"x10" card stock

Jan. 9/13 - Although what follows is still relevant, please visit my web-site at: for current information about MY SOMEDAY well as for more about my journey, my meditative inner work, my art and my books.

Although selling is not my preferred focus (I much prefer to share soul -- experiences and learning that help us all on our journey through life), for now, as I need an income, it is necessary.  However, re-entering the business world, I'm confronted with how much has changed during my more than 13 year sabbatical.  In addition to all the changes in the business world itself, I'm also discovering that "right" for me now is not the same as it was when I quit my job as Comptroller of an Architectural Firm, to focus inside on understanding me.  Consequently, I'm finding it necessary to re-examine and re-work many of the ideas I held, because the beliefs supporting them have changed in the interim.  This I discover by taking the steps I think are required, feeling something not quite "right" about them for me now, unraveling what it is and then un-doing, re-working and refining what I've done; re-working my inner belief structure at the same time.  However, as this work on my inner structure is my focus, I'm finding these forays into business, to sell my work are beneficial in more ways than I expected...

Art used for the Cover of "FOOTSTEPS..." - Art by Sylvia Kay
5.9" x 8.5" Printed on 8" x 10" Card Stock

I'm truly not interested in selling things... However, I would like to make my books available because I am really interested in sharing my soul's journey; hoping there will be something in it that proves useful to others...  Consequently, I expect this "someday" sale, of just my art, to be both my first and last. My intention is to use these two reproductions of my art ("Smouldering Cat" and My Cover for "Footsteps..." to earn sufficient revenue to fund a first print run of my books... However, until I feel there's sufficient interest, it feels "right" to leave everything in limbo.  For now, the prints can stay neatly packed in their cardboard boxes at the bottom of my clothes closet, waiting... I've done the best I know how with each moment of my life, all this has revealed inside me, all of my art, both books and both blogs.   I've also done as much as possible for now with my web-site and where I am with my life.  I am reminded, I'm not free to choose what happens to me... only the use I make of it.  Today, I hit a place which feels like the end of a road or a solid brick wall and have no sense of a "right" direction in which to turn...  I've learned, I make mistakes if I try to move forward on my own, so no matter how essential it all feels and how uncomfortable it is to just sit and wait and do nothing, I'm doing my best to be patient and wait... for a "right" direction to clarify... when there will be something meaningful for me to do.

Beaded Fountain by Sylvia Kay


Sylvia Kay