Sylvia Kay, Her Art and Her Books:

Why I've Written -

My Two Books:

POSTED Aug. 24, 2010:  Besides the fact that I HAD to -- I couldn't sleep or eat if I didn't write them -- now with 2 completed books on my hands, I understand more of why.  Although I trained as a Cranial Sacral Therapist and read widely during the initial stages of my journey, I've worked following LIFE's lead, without books or theories, through the material that surfaced on my inner landscape, by myself alone (no therapists or doctors either).  The path I've followed is therefore unique and demonstrates a new and different approach to working with inner material.  Very few people want to spend more than thirteen years, doing nothing but peer inside, to discover what is there, then face what is found, no matter how painful or frightening and finally rebuild again from the ground up, one step at a time.  Fewer still want to do this by themselves alone.  I've worked, just as I do when I create a piece of art (see my web-site at: for examples), carefully crafting myself by focusing on just doing what has felt "right" and best for the current step, with no idea of how the whole might look. I feel, just like with my art, if I do my best as I work with each piece, this assures that the whole too will be my best, regardless of what shape it takes.  I doubt anyone wants or needs to do this as intensively as I have, but pieces of how I've done this work and the value I've found in doing it can be used in many ways...  It feels important I share this unique journey I've taken; how it looked and felt, what I discovered, how I worked with what I found, what I learned in the process as well as the tools and methods I've used, so others would have access to the alternative approaches I've employed for exploring and working with inner material.  I invite my readers to incorporate whatever they find of value into their own work of experiencing and learning, using anything they can, in whatever way is best for them.  Having done this work, the way I live, as well as the way I see the world and work with what is in it have undergone some fundamental changes, so it felt important to share some of these too.  Contrast and difference are essential for vision and clarity.  When new ideas and ways of seeing, living or working are encountered, the ones we hold are brought up for examination.  This feels like an enriching process for everyone.  I've created a new google group at:, which I hope will provide a space for this kind of sharing.  My blog at: provides an introduction to this new group.